Willkommen in der Akademie
der Wissenschaft vom Nichtwissen
Contributions to the Essay Contest
Zur Kultivierung des Nichtwissens als komplementäres Wissen in den Wissenschaften


Warum uns die Wahrheit nicht wichtig ist  
Max A. Höfer
Max A. Höfer, born in Stuttgart in 1959, studied economics and political science and was the managing editor of various magazines for many years, including Berlin bureau chief at the business magazine Capital. He has been working as a managing director in the communications industry since 2006.
Höfer is the author of several books.
Was können wir mit Gewissheit nicht wissen? 
Johanna Stortz

Johanna Sophie Stortz was born in 2003. She has been studying philosophy and art history at the University of Freiburg since 2021. A year later, she began studying Media Culture Studies at the same university at the same time. Johanna is currently working on her Bachelor's thesis in Philosophy and is aiming for a Master's degree afterwards.
Johanna Sophie Stortz, johanna.stortz[ät]gmx.de

What economics can(not) tell?
Michał Pawłowski 

European University Institute
Michał Pawłowski was born in Warsaw in 1996 and graduated in philosophy and economics at the University of Warsaw. Since 2022, he has been pursuing his doctorate in microeconomics at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence. His philosophical interests include philosophy of science and epistemology, especially in relation to the problems of economics. In 2021, his book on Kant, Wittgenstein and the limits of knowledge was published in Polish (“O granicy poznania. metafizycznie i einzcyzifatem”, PWN Warsaw, 2021).  
What is fundamentally not known?
Seán McFadden
is the founder of the startup Ontoworks and is a recent graduate from the Neuroengineering Elite-Masters program at TUM. His research interests lie in complex systems, general relativity, neural networks, cognitive systems and the philosophy of mathematics, science, and technology.
Wissen und Nichtwissen - eine phänomenologische Kippfigur?
Philipp Haimerl

was born in Landshut in 1997. He is currently studying philosophy, medicine and musicology in Freiburg. His interests lie at the intersection of these subjects, for example he is studying the role of the voice and the body in philosophy. He tries to give a body-phenomenological answer to the question “What can we not know with certainty?
Die Grenze des Erkennbaren in Immanuel Kants „Kritik der reinen Vernunft“ 
Versuch einer Antwort auf die Frage
"Was können wir mit Gewissheit nicht Wissen?"

F. Berghaus
studied philosophy and linguistics in Freiburg and is mainly concerned with Kantian philosophy and the development towards German idealism.